Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Wa takhtaalu 'alaa zhahrii wa tadzullu fii bathnii

Wa takhtaalu 'alaa zhahrii wa tadzullu fii bathnii

(arrogant you above my back, while you will affront in my stomach)

earth reminds to us, arrogancy will engulf its the perpetrator x'self.. of course we saw, since in this world, arrogancy will dribble its(the man to Iowliness in road street end, or even in half way. Earth reminds, heaviest grief for smart aleck is when s he gets Iowliness in grave nature and in end country.

who is the smart aleck ?? smart aleck is jogger without the infinite beside his(its. Its the intention, the know-all is jogger abusively allah. for example, not religious service and not admission alms in arrogant katagori.

speaks about bluffing not athletic is including also arrogant. because mbadan is not forever healthy. Wa ba'du, in mentioning is arrogant also man who is brutal and arbitrary to its the humanity

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